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File List  |  1995-01-30  |  26KB  |  361 lines

  3.                  DESCRIPTION OF FILES FOUND IN \BASIC_05\
  4.    ************************************************************************
  7. ANGEL19B.ZIP   239825  06-26-93  ANGELIB 1.9b; MS PDS/BASIC 7.1 programming
  8.                                | library. 60+ routines like a horizontal bar
  9.                                | menu, scrolling message window, and a file
  10.                                | selection window and printer functions such
  11.                                | as soft font selection and downloading, etc.
  12.                                | NEW - GetValidPath & others updated.
  13. ANIMATE1.ZIP   119960  11-19-93  PowerBASIC 320x200x256 color PCX animation
  14. BARCOD11.ZIP    27213  11-18-93  Bar Code Control (VBX); BarCod makes bar code
  15.                                | display really easy. Just pick the
  16.                                | orientation, set the size, and pick the bar
  17.                                | code style. Then, set the text to whatever
  18.                                | you want the bars to be. Nothing else to do!
  19. BASICS.ZIP      74678  12-10-93  Puzzles For Basic Or Qbasic
  20. BASICXR.ZIP     39610  01-04-94  BASICXR 1.3; Basic Program Cross-Reference
  21.                                | Utility. Provides Formatted program listing,
  22.                                | User label/line number and variable
  23.                                | cross-reference, Reserved word
  24.                                | cross-reference. Output to file or printer.
  25.                                | Works for GWBasic, Quick Basic, and Basic
  26.                                | PDS, possibly other dialects.
  27. BASWIZ20.ZIP   272489  07-05-93  The BASIC Wizard's Library v2.0 by Tom Hanlin
  28.                                | Superb general-purpose library with hundreds
  29.                                | of routines for use with Microsoft BASIC
  30.                                | compilers: QuickBasic, Bascom/PDS, and Visual
  31.                                | BASIC for DOS.
  32. BB14.ZIP       385346  06-28-93  BasicBasic; Easy program development system
  33.                                | for DOS or Windows You can use to make your
  34.                                | own programs. Creates EXE files which can be
  35.                                | run under DOS or Windows. Supports both
  36.                                | graphics and text screens and many commands
  37.                                | common to other Basic compilers, as well as,
  38.                                | many new commands unique to BasicBasic.
  39.                                | Programs written can run under either DOS or
  40.                                | Windows. The BasicBasic development system,
  41.                                | itself, may run under either DOS or Windows.
  42. BCL10.ZIP       47459  11-17-93  BARCODES-LITE Developers Library v1.0;
  43.                                | Through a single Microsoft BASIC call, your
  44.                                | application programs have the ability to
  45.                                | print high quality bar codes without the need
  46.                                | for specialized hardware. Bar codes include
  47.                                | UPC A, UPC E, EAN/IAN 8 & 13, Interleaved 2
  48.                                | of 5, Code 39 and Code 128 Series A.
  49. BLOONVB.ZIP     25388  10-12-93  Balloon.vbx - is a custom control that allows
  50.                                | you to add a unique colored balloon help
  51.                                | feature to your VB application.
  52. BLTQ13A.ZIP    212814  07-22-93  BULLET for Basic v1.03; Super fast, super
  53.                                | small B-tree/dBASE .DBF, transaction-based,
  54.                                | multi-user database toolkit for QB, BASIC7,
  55.                                | VB/DOS. Also available for C.
  56. BMPLST15.ZIP    35867  11-18-93  List Box with Bitmaps Control (VBX); This
  57.                                | control is a list box with bitmaps. The
  58.                                | bitmaps can be placed on any side of the text
  59.                                | (top, bottom, right, left).
  60. BMPVWS.ZIP       9866  10-06-93  BMP Viewer Source Code - contains VB source
  61.                                | code for a simple BMP file viewing utility.
  62. BOZOL2.ZIP      68824  11-17-93  PowerBASIC 3.0 design App Specific Langauge
  63. BT112.ZIP       80659  12-30-93  Basic Training Basic Language Tutorial v1.12
  64. CALCLTR.ZIP    117388  01-13-94  Visual Basic for MS-DOS Calculator Program
  65.                                | supports mouse and keyboard input.
  66. CLAK20.ZIP      23606  08-03-93  CLACKER.VBX dynamic menu help custom control
  67. CUSTCRS.ZIP     15266  09-05-93  Custom Cursors Demo - contains code and icons
  68.                                | from Mike Stanley's article on Creating
  69.                                | Custom Cursors in VB, from Visual Basic
  70.                                | Programmer's Journal
  71. CVT_2SB.ZIP     68811  07-01-93  CVT2SB v1.3; converts GW-BASIC programs to
  72.                                | structured BASIC ready to compile. Unpacks
  73.                                | multi-statement lines; block all "IF"
  74.                                | statements; converts line number to labels;
  75.                                | removes unnecessary labels; indents IF and
  76.                                | looping structures.
  77. DBCREATE.ZIP     6010  11-03-93  Programatic Database Creation Utility for
  78.                                | Visual Basic v3.0. This program is used to
  79.                                | take existing .MDB files and translate their
  80.                                | structure into VB code. It is extremely
  81.                                | simple to use; onscreen instructions
  82. DBFM2.ZIP       83180  10-26-93  PowerBASIC 3.0 - BTree database Engine code
  83. DFINFO12.ZIP    33331  11-18-93  Disk and File Info Control (VBX); This
  84.                                | control gives you disk and file information
  85.                                | that VB doesn't provide. It also allows you
  86.                                | to change some aspects of a file (attributes,
  87.                                | size, date, time, etc.).
  88. DFQBX30.ZIP    177569  07-19-93  DoorFrame v3.0 Doors development library for
  89.                                | BASCOM/PDS 7.1. Has direct support for most
  90.                                | BBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
  91.                                | non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, high
  92.                                | score bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
  93.                                | and ASCII file send. Now supports multi-port
  94.                                | boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.
  95.                                | Also detects and reports the presence of
  96.                                | RIPscrip on the remote.
  97. DFRAME45.ZIP   183577  07-19-93  DoorFrame v4.5 Doors development library for
  98.                                | QuickBasic 4.x. Has direct support for most
  99.                                | BBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
  100.                                | non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, high
  101.                                | score bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
  102.                                | and ASCII file send. Now supports multi-port
  103.                                | boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.
  104.                                | Also detects and reports the presence of
  105.                                | RIPscrip on the remote.
  106. DFVB18.ZIP     212833  07-19-93  DoorFrame v1.8; Online Doors development
  107.                                | library for Visual Basic DOS. Direct support
  108.                                | for most BBS software, COM 0-15, up to 115K
  109.                                | Baud, non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music,
  110.                                | high score bulletin, box and line drawing,
  111.                                | ANSI and ASCII file send. Supports multi-port
  112.                                | boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.
  113.                                | Detects and reports the presence of RIPscrip
  114.                                | on the remote.
  115. DLLMS203.ZIP    42492  10-05-93  DLL Master lists modules in MS Windows 3.1
  116.                                | memory, with src path and filestats. Load,
  117.                                | unload, decrement DLL use count. Multiple
  118.                                | lists, compare, print, save. Load DLLs at
  119.                                | startup. Visual Basic app.
  120. DNALIB40.ZIP   131703  11-17-93  PowerBASIC 3.0 pulldwn/movble windows/mouse
  121. DWDOOR23.ZIP   159053  08-25-93  DWDOOR v2.3; Library for PowerBASIC 3.0b to
  122.                                | write multi-line, multinode, DV/DDOS
  123.                                | compatiable doors with simple commands.
  124.                                | Supports PCBoard, RBBS, QBBS, GAP, Wildcat
  125.                                | v2+3, WWIV, SPITFIRE, Ultra BBS and any BBS
  126.                                | system. Also supports up to 115200 baud, Full
  127.                                | ANSI support, child process error levels,
  128.                                | ANSI Windowing, full script langauge, and
  129.                                | much more!
  130. EASYDR25.ZIP   270397  12-22-93  The Easy-Door Library v2.50* The
  131.                                | professional doors development library for
  132.                                | QB/PDS/VBDOS. It features: ANSI/AVATAR,
  133.                                | Supports COM 1 to 8, Fossil/Built-in comm.,
  134.                                | Menu routines, Box drawing, SmartColor (tm),
  135.                                | Multitaskers aware, Chat mode, DOS Shell,
  136.                                | Function keys, Status bar, RIPscrip, etc.
  137.                                | Compatible with QBBS, RA, SBBS, RBBS, GAP
  138.                                | Telegard, Wildcat, PCBoard, Genesis, WWIV,
  139.                                | Spitfire, Osiris, Force!, etc.
  140. FMDROP10.ZIP    22322  11-18-93  File Mgr Drag and Drop Control (VBX); This
  141.                                | custom control (VBX) notifies you when a file
  142.                                | has been dragged and dropped from the Windows
  143.                                | File Manager (FILEMAN).
  144. FXTOOL.ZIP     418078  09-22-93  FXTools/VB Demonstration Version 1.00 ImageFX
  145.                                | encourages you to distribute the
  146. GADGETS.ZIP    151569  01-27-94  Visual Basic Gadgets for Windows demo from
  147.                                | Universal Dynamics
  148. GTICON.ZIP       9247  11-06-93  GTICON.DLL is a VisualBasic 3.0 DLL that
  149.                                | contains two functions: AssignDragIcon and
  150.                                | GetDragIcon
  151. GTTBAR01.ZIP    25733  11-29-93  GT Toolbar Kit v1.0 is a Visual Basic VBX
  152.                                | which helps the VB programmer implement a
  153.                                | toolbar. GTTBAR.VBX contains two custom
  154.                                | controls namely GTTBAR and GTPANEL.
  155. IMDEMO2.ZIP    294319  02-24-94  Imageman/VB demo for Visual Basic
  156. INICON25.ZIP    24145  11-18-93  INI File Manager Custom Control (VBX); Visual
  157.                                | Basic custom control that makes INI file
  158.                                | access simple. No Windows API calls required.
  159. IPXSPX.ZIP      70110  12-20-93  Visual Basic VBX For Ipx/spx Access
  160. JJLIBS.ZIP     232219  10-24-93  PowerBASIC routines posted on the PB BBS
  161. JOYSTK10.ZIP    25387  11-18-93  Joy Stick Custom Control (VBX); JoyStk gives
  162.                                | joystick information (movement, buttons) for
  163.                                | your programs. It supports both joysticks or
  164.                                | one 3-D joystick.
  165. LANGWN23.ZIP   388984  11-21-93  QB Library For Making Gui Programs For DOS
  166. LB09D.ZIP      665615  08-10-93  Liberty Basic for Windows. GW-BASIC
  167.                                | compatible windows programiming language.
  168.                                | Full featured, excellent program
  169. LOADGIF.ZIP     21413  08-20-93  LoadGIF is a fast QB/PDS/VBDOS callable
  170.                                | assembly function which loads GIF format
  171.                                | images onto the screen.
  172. MAILSLOT.ZIP    15534  09-23-93  MAILSLOT.VBX - W4WG Mailslot Control (VBX)
  173.                                | Visual Basic custom control that makes
  174.                                | Mailslot use simple. No Windows API calls
  175.                                | required. Requires Windows for Workgroups.
  176. MENUEV20.ZIP    22942  11-18-93  Menu Event Notification Control (VBX); MenuEv
  177.                                | provides menu selection notification. In
  178.                                | other words, it tells you when the user has
  179.                                | selected a menu item. This is really useful
  180.                                | for status bar-style help. MenuEv is really
  181.                                | easy to use. All you need to do is place it
  182.                                | on your form. There's nothing set. Events
  183.                                | start coming in automatically.
  184. MENUS.ZIP       47145  10-03-93  PB3/QB source for various menu routines
  185. MNUSYS22.ZIP   190774  01-13-94  MENUSYS for PowerBASIC v2.2; Complete
  186.                                | text-mode GUI for PowerBASIC 3.0, with
  187.                                | pull-down menus, mouse support and online
  188.                                | help system. Also included is MENULIB, a
  189.                                | library of high-level support routines
  190.                                | designed to work with MENUSYS routines.
  191. NAMING.ZIP       2408  09-25-93  Visual Basic Naming Conventions Cheat Sheet
  192. NUMW20.ZIP      18784  08-03-93  NUMWIN.VBX enumerate desktop windows custom
  193.                                | control
  194. PBC23A.ZIP     178031  03-19-94  PBClone 2.3 library (1 of 3) for MS BASICs:
  195.                                | QB, PDS, VB-DOS. Over 610 routines of all
  196.                                | descriptions. This archive contains the
  197.                                | documentation. Shareware by Tom Hanlin.
  198. PBC23B.ZIP     108601  03-19-94  PBClone 2.3 library (2 of 3) for MS BASICs.
  199.                                | This archive contains the demo programs and
  200.                                | core libraries. Shareware by Tom Hanlin.
  201. PBC23C.ZIP      76529  03-19-94  PBClone 2.3 library (3 of 3) for MS BASICs.
  202.                                | This archive contains the BASIC part of the
  203.                                | source code. Shareware by Tom Hanlin.
  204. PBFIXES.ZIP      4078  11-15-93  PowerBASIC 3.0 bug fixes and work arounds
  205. PBGUI200.ZIP   157223  07-19-93  PB GUI Toolkit v2.00, for Power Basic 3.0
  206. PBMENUS.ZIP     54305  09-08-93  MENUSYS for PowerBASIC: A complete text-mode
  207.                                | GUI for Spectra's PowerBASIC 3.0, with
  208.                                | pull-down menus, mouse support and context
  209.                                | sensitive help. Also included is MENULIB, a
  210.                                | library of high-level support routines
  211.                                | designed to work with MENUSYS routines.
  212. PBTCL132.ZIP   116895  11-26-93  PBTools:Classic 1.32, PowerBASIC 3.x Library
  213.                                | The ultimate library for PB programmers,
  214.                                | upgraded to work with PowerBASIC 3.x and
  215.                                | later. Includes windowing, menus, string
  216.                                | handling, and lots more. Written by Dave
  217.                                | Navarro, author of "Some Assembly Required"
  218.                                | column in BASICally Speaking Magazine.
  219. PBVL010.ZIP    146622  02-10-94  PB/VISION(tm) LITE v1.0 for PowerBASIC 3.0.
  220.                                | Create graphical/text 3D windows with working
  221.                                | control icons. Fully event-driven, multi-
  222.                                | threading, mouse aware design with as little
  223.                                | as 30K of overhead. Includes PowerBASIC 3.0
  224.                                | compatible library, examples, documentation,
  225.                                | an extensive tutorial, and a hypertext
  226.                                | reference manual that can be accessed while
  227.                                | in the PowerBASIC IDE.
  228. PBW50_43.ZIP    25354  07-14-93  PowerBASIC 3.0 50/43 line display editor
  229. PBWIZ19.ZIP    215757  12-30-93  PB Wizard's Library, v1.9, for Spectra's
  230.                                | PowerBASIC 3.0. Over 325 routines: archive &
  231.                                | disk dirs, SoundBlaster, mouse/kbd/joystick,
  232.                                | 256-color VGA/SVGA, EMS & XMS memory, comm,
  233.                                | BMP pics, equation solver, time & date calc,
  234.                                | equipment info, ANSI, more! By Tom Hanlin.
  235. PCB15QB.ZIP     24532  07-12-93  Types & code segments for accessing PCBoard
  236.                                | 15.0 files in QuickBasic 4.5 and a few .OBJ
  237.                                | library functions for data conversions.
  238. PDSMULT.ZIP     46512  07-24-93  PDS 7.1 Multi-tasking library v1.0; Allows
  239.                                | you to produce Multitasking basic programs
  240.                                | using the PDS 7.1 basic system from MicroSoft.
  241. PERCNT23.ZIP    24198  11-18-93  Percentage Bar Custom Control (VBX); Visual
  242.                                | basiccustom control that displays a
  243.                                | percentage bar. Makes status reporting very
  244.                                | simple. 3-D effects, fonts and colors are all
  245.                                | user-definable.
  246. POW_1_0.ZIP    199733  01-19-94  POW! for PowerBASIC 3.0; An exciting new
  247.                                | Soundblaster library for PowerBASIC 3.0,
  248.                                | written entirely in assembly language.
  249.                                | Includes over 40 flexible, powerful commands
  250.                                | that utilize all of the Soundblaster's
  251.                                | capabilities.
  252. PRNTVB12.ZIP    53344  08-05-93  PRINTVB; Visual Basic Print Program that
  253.                                | formats and prints Visual Basic program
  254.                                | source code listings. Font type and font size
  255.                                | are user selectable for the code, comments,
  256.                                | header and title portions of your printout.
  257.                                | requires vbrun200.dll.
  258. PWL521Q.ZIP    138163  05-06-93  The #1 Windowing Toolbox for QuickBASIC 4.5.
  259.                                | Create multiple FULL COLOR text-based virtual
  260.                                | windows that can be moved, scrolled,
  261.                                | re-sized, and hidden via mouse. Fully
  262.                                | Event-Driven architecture permits
  263.                                | self-maintaining user interfaces. Text mode
  264.                                | graphic mouse is incredible. Includes a
  265.                                | QuickBASIC 4.5 compatible library, include
  266.                                | files, some nifty demos, and documentation.
  267. PWL521X.ZIP    137371  05-06-93  The #1 Windowing Toolbox for MS BASIC PDS
  268.                                | 7.1. Create multiple FULL COLOR text-based
  269.                                | virtual windows that can be moved, scrolled,
  270.                                | re-sized, and hidden via mouse. Fully
  271.                                | Event-Driven architecture permits
  272.                                | self-maintaining user interfaces. Text mode
  273.                                | graphic mouse is incredible. Includes a BASIC
  274.                                | PDS 7.1 compatible library, include files,
  275.                                | some nifty demos, and documentation.
  276. QB45MULT.ZIP    47150  10-03-93  QB 4.5 Multi-tasking library v1.0; Library
  277.                                | will allow you to produce Multitasking basic
  278.                                | programs using QB 4.5 basic system from MS
  279. QBSAMPLE.ZIP    35958  01-18-94  QuickBASIC 4.5 code to sample from the
  280.                                | Soundblaster's Mic/ Line Input and play back
  281.                                | sample. For free distribution.
  282. QBSER310.ZIP    31559  06-11-93  QBserial v3.10; Communications library for
  283.                                | QuickBASIC 4.x, Basic Compiler 7.x, VBDOS
  284.                                | 1.x, and FOSSIL drivers. Allows programs to
  285.                                | access Comm ports at rates up to 115200 baud.
  286.                                | COM1-4 and non-standard addresses supported,
  287.                                | on IRQ's 1-15. Interrupt driven, CTS/RTS &
  288.                                | XON/XOFF flow control. Full DTR and RTS
  289.                                | control, and more. Comes with sample code.
  290. ROTEXT12.ZIP    32500  11-18-93  Rotated Label Custom Control (VBX); RoText
  291.                                | lets you put a label on your form at any
  292.                                | angle of rotation.
  293. SERIZ10.ZIP     20109  01-18-94  SerialIz v1.0; Serial/Registration Library
  294.                                | for Quick- BASIC v4.5. Very easy well designed
  295. SHAD20.ZIP      18806  08-03-93  SHADBX.VBX popup window custom control
  296. SNDX20.ZIP      19031  08-03-93  SNDDEX.VBX Soundex search word matching
  297.                                | custom control.
  298. SORTPROG.ZIP    81900  09-25-93  Sortprog for PB3; Will sort your PowerBASIC
  299.                                | source code into readable order. It groups
  300.                                | all executable code at the top of your
  301.                                | program, and sorts SUBs and FUNCTIONs
  302.                                | alphabetically, optionally letting you use
  303.                                | "dividers" between subroutines for maximum
  304.                                | readability.
  305. SOUNDX11.ZIP    28538  11-18-93  Soundex and Metaphone Control (VBX); This
  306.                                | control provides Soundex and Metaphone
  307.                                | algorithms. Soundex and Metaphone convert
  308.                                | words or names to codes that represent how
  309.                                | they "sound". This can be really useful in a
  310.                                | database application where users need to find
  311.                                | names they may not know how to spell exactly.
  312. SVGAPV20.ZIP   228828  03-11-94  SVGAPV.LIB v2.0; High-res, 256-color graphics
  313.                                | library for MS PDS & VBDOS. Recognizes more
  314.                                | than 20 SVGA cards and allows programming in
  315.                                | 320x200, 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768
  316.                                | 256-color modes. Capabilities: hardware id,
  317.                                | drawing primitives, 2D and 3D functions,
  318.                                | joystick and mouse support, GIF decoding,
  319.                                | encoding and sprite animation.
  320. TBOX100.ZIP     35443  11-01-93  This program demos a toolbox with a mini
  321.                                | title bar. The program contains a main form
  322.                                | (an MDI form in this case) and a toolbox. The
  323.                                | toolbox uses setWindowPos() to make itself a
  324.                                | topmost window, and hides itself when the
  325.                                | application loses the focus and shows itself
  326.                                | when the application regains the focus.
  327. TECHTIPS.ZIP    33959  07-15-93  PowerBASIC 3.0 collection of info & source
  328. TG_DEMO.ZIP    148735  08-04-93  TrueGrid Demo; Bound database table control
  329.                                | for Microsoft's Visual Basic. The demo
  330.                                | supports all of the features of the complete
  331.                                | TrueGrid product, but will work only in
  332.                                | Visual Basic design mode (you can't make EXE
  333.                                | files with the demo).
  334. TLSTVBX2.ZIP    22693  11-06-93  GTLIST.VBX is a ListBox control with added
  335.                                | functionality, most notably, the ability of
  336.                                | the application developer to specify precise
  337.                                | tab stop settings. It also has three other
  338.                                | properties that are not found in the standard
  339.                                | Visual Basic ListBox control.
  340. TOOLQB20.ZIP    96620  11-14-93  ToolQube creates floating toolbars for your
  341.                                | Windows apps.
  342. TOP-SRC.ZIP      4720  11-17-93  TOP-SOURCE: Microsoft Basic 7.1 source code
  343.                                | for Powerboard TOP bulletin creator utilities.
  344. VIEWMEM.ZIP     45008  10-24-93  Viewmem - window into core memory. Written in
  345.                                | PowerBASIC 3.0, and includes PB3 source and
  346.                                | .EXE. Freeware, no charge for use.
  347. VSPRTV11.ZIP    78545  01-27-94  Simple Sprite/Graphics Support Library Fo
  348.                                | Microsoft Quickbasic 4.X Or Pds 7.X. Supports
  349.                                | Vga X-Mode 320 X 200 With 256 Colors And 4
  350.                                | Screen Pages.
  351. WBASIC14.ZIP   757340  10-21-93  Contains two compressed files: WBB14.ZIP
  352.                                | BasicBasic v1.4 DOS & Windows BASIC
  353.                                | development system-Windows.
  354. WIN_VW11.ZIP    60980  08-12-93  WinView v1.10 is a utility which was written
  355.                                | to help the Visual Basic programmer snoop
  356.                                | around a window's attibutes.
  357. ZIPINF.ZIP      33017  12-20-93  ZIP File Info Custom Control (VBX); Control
  358.                                | lets you find out about the contents of a ZIP
  359.                                | file. Access to this information is purely
  360.                                | through properties.